Photo: Jack Canfield with Edward during an interview in Hollywood, California
"Don't be afraid to start over.
You might love your new story!"
For the last 30 years I have fulfilled the role of principal advisor to early stage start-ups, multi-national organisations, NGOs and Governments on subjects as diverse as Technology, Regulation and International Trade related matters in 80 countries. In the process I've taken 4500+ innovative products and services from idea to first customer shipment in 80 countries.
Aged 23, I founded my first business, a specialist consultancy firm initially assisting leading technology companies to take their products from idea through Research & Development to market launch. I gained a reputation for being the 'go-to' problem fixer overcoming any technical, regulatory, commercial or cultural issues that posed an obstacle to market launch. Enabling clients to reduce valuable time to market ahead of the competition. I grew the firm with a core staff to establish offices on three continents - adapting as we helped our clients build the internet, survived two financial crashes and the bubble bursting!
In parallel to running two other businesses I had established, I restructured to form a virtual consultancy practice with a team of associates - all well respected experts/guru in their respective fields. Only to find myself without access to my memories and learned knowledge in 2011, particularly devastating when you consider I work in the knowledge economy.
In June 2011, I sustained a traumatic brain injury during a yacht race (one of my passions). During the subsequent recovery period under neurologists and counsellors, I was told that "you are going through a period of bereavement for the loss of your memory and other capabilities, you need to come to terms with the fact that your international consulting activities are no longer a reality".
"I was incensed to be 110%
better than I was before ..."
Photo: Edward with Brian Tracy during filming of "Maximum Achievement : The Brian Tracy Story"

I was incensed to be 110% better than I was before, I had intuitively learned to read again to enable me to understand the brain and then articulate the issues I was having to the neurologists/counsellors. The realisation that I had been able to read and retain the new information reinforced my belief that the brain is an amazing organ. I therefore decided to do the opposite of what I was advised and exercised my brain over the next year to the point that the science of neuroplasticity enabled access to lost memories and ultimately my full recovery. I would also state that my rediscovery of simple meditation techniques also played a big part in that recovery and still has a place in my daily positive mental health routine. Read more about my experiences and successful recovery in The Success Blueprint.
I have never been a person that likes to be pigeon holed. As a polymath I am many things to different people and do not believe a title is a true reflection of the capabilities of an individual. I truly believe in the greatness that lies within every human being and their capacity to grow, improve both themselves and the lives of others around them. We are after all trans-disciplinary beings equipped with the most advanced, but vastly underutilized supercomputer - our brain!
#growthmindset #unlimited #humanpotential
As part of the rediscovery of myself; identifying who I was, what my core values were/are, what personality traits had helped me be successful prior to my injury and thereby establish and define my major definite purpose. I discovered I had not been living in congruence with my core values and hence needed to start over, to innovate with conscience to the benefit of people and the planet in a holistic way to avoid creating more problems.
As a consequence of my own lived experiences I now possess an unbounded and unlimited mindset. A capability that I believe lies untapped in every human waiting to be awakened, are you ready?
My purpose is to transform at least 3 billion lives, to achieve this massive vision I therefore need to bring all of my experience and skills to bear and inspire others to assist me along the way.
"To transform 3 billions lives,
one mind at a time"
Photo: Dean Kamen with Edward during filming at Dean's home in Manchester, New Hampshire


Amazon Best-Selling Author®
Co-Authors Brian Tracy, Edward Fitzgerald and other of the World's Leading Entrepreneurs & Professionals Reveal Their Blueprint to Success in Health, Wealth & Lifestyle.
☆ #6 Direct Marketing
☆ #56 Sales and Selling
Award Winning Film Producer
Co-Producer of the documentary film "Maximum Achievement : The Brian Tracy Story" which won a Gold Telly Award in 2018.
[Non-Broadcast Documentary - Individual]

Photo: Edward attending via video-link at the Emmy Awards 2020 for Dreamer Movie